How Do You Communicate Effectively With PR?

Context shapes all conversation. It’s the glue that holds communications together.

Without context, we can’t communicate effectively. Our words hold no meaning or circumstance.

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of the past couple of years has been the relentless shifting of context and knowing whether we’re saying the “right” thing.

Continually changing circumstances mean that we must continue to navigate new and uncertain ground without a map. Finding the appropriate balance when communicating is a minefield.

What is abundantly clear is that we should not hold back from communicating. Neither should we abstain from explaining how we are adapting to change.

Honesty and clarity lead to trust.

In a study conducted by the CEMS Global Alliance in Management Education, which includes the University of Sydney Business School, it was found that resilience, empathy, and the ability to communicate have become significantly more important over the last few years, particularly when communicating with employees and customers.

There has never been a greater need to communicate. Adopting the right tone, finding the correct balance, and keeping staff, customers and investors informed is paramount.

During difficult times brands often find themselves tempted to hit pause on their marketing activity. SMEs then follow suit, often choosing to remain silent for fear of saying, or being perceived to have said the wrong thing.

Focus on brand behaviour is always at its highest during a period of difficulty. Research by the UK marketing industry during the pandemic revealed how customers had “a heightened awareness of brand sincerity, and companies that looked to cash in on the pandemic were viewed negatively.”

These challenging times present an opportunity for business leaders to practise clear communication using new channels, define corporate culture and build new stronger relationships. We need to acknowledge and embrace a constantly evolving context and ensure our narrative is equally flexible.

There always seems to be a new elephant in the room. Therefore businesses must keep reading the room to avoid being squashed.

Many difficult decisions are constantly being made in businesses of all sizes. It is mission critical that these decisions are communicated with clarity and understanding, enabling a business to come out the other side with brand reputation and integrity intact, maybe even enhanced.

Find the time to communicate. Find the confidence to strike up a conversation, and most important of all, find the time to listen.

Kickstart your PR paralysis in five steps.

  1. Ensure you add value to the current conversation. Be supportive, show empathy, and if you can add extra weight to conversations with your professional expertise, then do. This will help you build trust with your audience.

  2. Be confident in your tone and try and understand the context. Review your tone and be prepared to change as the context changes.

  3. Adjust your frequency and channel. Keep your PR and communication agile and be prepared to step up your activity or dial it down.

  4. Listen. Keep listening to the public mood, to employees, to commentators, and think about the bigger picture. Be informed and consider how your communication will be received? Ask yourself what you want your audience to think and feel?

  5. Seek a second opinion. Two heads, as the saying goes, are often better than one.

Amy Allard

Amy graduated from university with a degree in German and Spanish before joining the PR industry, and has worked in all communications arenas, both in the UK and overseas. She’s currently working to cement her expertise by pursuing a CIPR qualification while working as a Senior Account Manager at Altitude PR.

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