What Did The Pandemic Teach Us About PR?

We’ve learned a lot during the pandemic and now is the time to question whether our stakeholders have changed. Are we still speaking their language? Communication has changed too during the past two years. Here’s what we’ve learned.

1.      Trust matters more than ever

Over the past couple of years, we’ve witnessed government climbdowns, data manipulation, hostility towards journalists, social media outbursts and a general erosion of trust.

The coronavirus pandemic has reminded us how important independent journalism is. It’s also made us realise how vital it is to seek and question the information we’ve sourced, or increasingly have been served up.

In a world where distrust and disdain for the media is common, it’s clear that trust – as well as clarity and transparency – matters more now than ever.

2.      There’s no substitute for being kind

We’ve adapted, we’ve looked after each other and, apart from those who panic bought all the pasta, we’ve been kind.

Our behaviour over the past two years has permanently impacted our values. We’ve changed how we run businesses and how we interact with colleagues, friends, and family.

There are plenty of positives to take from these last awful couple of years. Let’s start with empathy, a desire to listen and a will to co-develop solutions.

3.      We don’t have to hold onto old ways

New and bold ideas can come out of a crisis and the more disruptive the crisis, the greater the opportunity for change.

When it comes to PR, there’s no one size fits all approach. Now is the time to ask whether your customers are the same as before the pandemic and if your product, messages, or market have adapted. The world has changed. Have you?

For more information about how Altitude can help you improve your PR and get ahead, get in touch today at info@altitudepr.co.uk

Jane Whitham

Jane leads Altitude and has worked in senior PR roles for 15 years. Before making the switch to PR, Jane was a journalist writing for regional and national publications. Jane began planning Altitude PR in the summer of 2021 (mid pandemic) and launched the business in February 2022.

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